Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bottoms up!

OK, who else besides me thinks it's the cutest EVER when their baby sleeps with their bottom up in the air like this? It's all I can do not to pick her up and smother her with kisses. Of course, that would be the end of the nap so I have to settle for gently patting her on the bum and waiting for her to wake up and play later.
And here she is just so tuckered out she didn't make it to her bed before crashing. Another of my favorite girls in tights.


MarieC said...

I'm with you on the bum sticking up! So cute! I never had to deal with babies in tights--they look like a lot of work to get on and keep on. :-)

Cortney said...

She is so cute! :) I do love the "bums up" sleeping too.

Jordan said...

Bums up sleeping is my favorite! She is getting so big.

Carrie said...

I think it's the cutest thing EVER. I do. I really do.

Laura said...

Oh, it's sooooo cute - especially when she has such cute little pants to adorn her bum.