Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Sweet Halloween

What a fun Halloween we had this year! The Monday before, we carved pumpkins for Family Home Evening. Each year I get pretty excited about this, but after cleaning and carving one, I'm done. So, we carved the one we got from the farm and decorated the other small ones from our garden with stickers. That's my kind of pumpkin "carving"!
Seth grossed out by pumpkin guts:
Lydia, aka Miss Unafraid-Or-Not-Grossed-Out-By-Anything wants to touch and examine the slime:

Lydia's masterpiece:

And Seth with his:
Here's the one and only carved pumpkin, complete with tongue and what looks like a piercing, but I couldn't get the toothpick in all the way! We'll call him the Jack-o, the Rebel Pumpkin.
Halloween night: Seth dressed up as Cat in the Hat (his new favorite PBS show), and Lydia was a ballerina. I made these bags for them out of kitchen towels, but they're a little, um, large and a tripping hazard waiting to happen.
Lydia admiring our last-minute craft made with jam jars, tissue paper, mod podge and black paper:

I'm going to make a bunch more of these for next year!
Getting excited to get some candy, with glow-in-the-dark treat bags made by Grandma:
Hittin' the road with Dad:
After parties at church, preschool and friends' homes, and a record 124 trick-or-treaters at our house, we were Halloweened out! But what better holiday to go all out and have fun!!

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