I don't know what mailing list I got onto, but in the last couple of weeks, I received these quilt/fabric catalogs. I'm salivating as I peruse the Hancock's pages, although I have to do it in small doses since every speck of every page is saturated with colors and patterns - sensory overload...see what I mean? Someday I'll be able to return to sewing, quilting and creating, but for now I'm devoted full time to these little ones, a "creative" endeavor in itself.
If you ever decide to part with the quilting magazines I'd love to have them for preschool. Great colors!
That picture of Seth and Lydia is adorable...such a cute family.
I'm not nearly as crafty as you, but I understand what you're saying about putting those things aside - for a while I hoped I could do both but now I'm just glad if I get the beds made and everyone dressed! When I saw the DARLING picture at the end it brings home once again how worthwhile motherhood is! That is truly a precious picture of Seth and Lydia!
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